From Local to Global: Why Our Localization Solutions Are Your Key to International Success








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The necessity for accurate and culturally localized material has never been more critical in today’s interconnected world, where content knows no bounds. The significance of efficient localization in today’s global marketplace, where companies aim to broaden their customer base and connect with all types of people, is immense.

Many competing localization agencies show that more and more people understand how important it is to adapt material to different cultures and target markets. This trend indicates the growing demand for specialized knowledge to handle the myriad aspects of localization, such as translation, cultural adaptation, and technical implementation.

With so many options, carefully selecting the best localization agency for your unique requirements is critical. There is an overwhelming number of options available when it comes to localization solution providers. You can spend years looking for the best one. Just how does SinceWordsMatter better meet your requirements?

Table of Contents

In what ways can SinceWordsMatter assist me?

There are unquestionably some translators capable of localizing content for endangered and rare languages. But it turns out to be quite a challenge to track them down. SinceWordsMatter provides a simple way to get in touch with a community of expert linguists who specialize in working with less common and endangered languages.

Years of experience in the localization industry, competitive rates, and a global network of trustworthy translators who are experts in localizing your messages into rare and endangered languages make us your best option. This means that people all over the world will be connected to your message. To protect you from financial loss and fines, our localization specialists are also well aware of local laws and regulations.

Many countries and regions in Africa and Asia are still largely unknown to Europeans and Americans. At SinceWordsMatter, we recruit localization specialists from both Africa and Asia. As a result, you can relax knowing that your efforts to localize won’t offend local cultures or make you the joke to an entire culture.

Our localization specialists will gladly advise you on what parts of your content require translation, localization, or transcreation. They will ask for information about who you want to reach, assist you in creating a buyer persona, and determine whether translation, localization, or transcreation best suits the intended audience and the content at hand.

Instead of focusing solely on the meaning of the words, SinceWordsMatter is interested in the emotional reaction that various words elicit in both the target audience and the original audience. Moreover, no localized content is delivered before it has been checked and confirmed by a second expert.

The localization task is still too tricky for AI to complete on its own, at least not with satisfactory grades, despite the progress made in other areas of AI. However, high-quality CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) technologies can now help human translators improve and catch their own mistakes. SinceWordsMatter relies on a combination of human translators, localization specialists, and advanced AI-powered tools.

No matter which localization services you’re looking for. For all web localization, app and software localization, media localization, ads and marketing localization, and training and E-learning localization solutions, we first conduct market research.

We provide marketing localization services that consider your company’s branding guidelines, preferred tone, and target buyer persona. Localization of web pages and ads follows your objectives and your target audiences’ preferences. You can communicate your preferences to the project manager at any time.

We can still find a translator who is an expert in the localization process for languages not listed on our website. In addition, we can provide you with any file format you require. We value quick turnaround times as much as high-quality products.

It’s not challenging for us to take on massive, complicated localization tasks. In addition, the confidentiality of the information you provide will be ensured. Each of our staff has signed an NDA promising to keep everything top secret. And last but not least, our costs are fair.

We can discuss our distinct localization options now that you know the general characteristics of our localization services. Our localization solutions are divided into five categories: 1. Web Localization, 2. App and Software Localization, 3. Ads and Marketing Localization, 4. Training and E-Learning Localization, and 5. Media Localization.

1. Web Localization

The goal of web localization is to make a foreign-language website look and function as though it were built in the target country rather than translated. Website localization is another name for it.

More work is required to properly localize a website than just translating the content. Localization of a website entails adapting not only the text but also the visual elements (design, graphics, videos, images, fonts, etc.) to fit the target audience’s culture.

Web localization also includes SEO localization, which is SEO optimization for the target market. Improving a website’s visibility in search engines in a target market and reducing the bounce rate (the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page) are two goals of SEO localization.

Reasons to choose our web localization solutions

Certain translators unquestionably have the skills necessary to localize web content for uncommon or endangered languages. However, locating them proves to be a difficult task. SinceWordsMatter makes connecting with a network of linguists who focus on rare and endangered languages easy.

We are the best choice because of our many years in the localization business, affordable prices, and a vast network of reliable translators who are experts at translating your website’s content into less widely used and endangered languages. Therefore, your message will be accessible to people all over the world. Our localization experts know the ins and outs of local laws and regulations to keep you from risking any unnecessary costs or penalties.

Many African and Asian countries and regions are still relatively unknown to Europeans and Americans. SinceWordsMatter employs native speakers of both African and Asian languages for web localization. Because of this, you can rest assured that your endeavors to localize won’t result in offending local cultures or making you the joke of an entire culture.

If you’re unsure whether some or all of the content on your website needs to be translated, localized, or transcreated, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. Our website localization experts will ask you questions about who you want to reach and help you create a buyer persona to figure out whether translation, localization, or transcreation is best for your target audience and the content at hand. 

SinceWordsMatter isn’t just concerned with the literal meaning of words but also how they make the audience feel. Also, no website content that has been localized is ever released without first being double-checked and confirmed by a second expert.

Despite advancements in other areas of AI, the web localization task is still too complicated for it to complete on its own, at least not with decent results. However, the development of high-quality CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) technologies has allowed human translators to refine their craft and detect their own errors. SinceWordsMatter uses a team of human translators, native-speaking localization experts, and cutting-edge AI-driven tools.

We always start with market research when receiving a request to localize a website. We present web localization services that are mindful of your company’s branding guidelines, preferred tone, and buyer persona. Your intended audience’s goals and preferences guide your website’s localization. You can always share your views with the project manager.

Even if a language isn’t currently listed as supported on our site, we can locate a translator who is well-versed in the web localization process to assist you. Furthermore, we can supply you with files in any format you need. We place equal importance on timely delivery and product quality.

We have no problem taking on complex, large-scale website localization projects. Further, all information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. Our whole team has agreed to secrecy by signing NDAs. Last but not least, we offer reasonable prices.

2. App and Software Localization

Localizing UI (user interface) and UX (user experience), such as menus, images, videos, labels, buttons, currency, payment methods, and error messages, is referred to as app and software localization. It aspires to provide the same enjoyable and fruitful experience for all viewers, despite differences in language and culture.

Software and app localization pays attention to the target audience’s language, culture, and legal requirements without sacrificing the app’s or software’s core functionality or features. Game localization is a subset of software and app localization.

Reasons to pick our app and software localization solutions

Localizers for software and apps that support endangered languages do exist. However, finding them is proving to be surprisingly difficult. SinceWordsMatter makes it easy to connect with linguists who have experience with rare or endangered languages.

We are the best choice for localizing your software and app into endangered and rare languages because of our years of experience in the field, competitive rates, and global network of trustworthy translators. Because of this, your message will be accessible to people all over the world.

Our software and app localization experts are also familiar with local laws and regulations, shielding you from financial risk and fines. If you’d like, we can also assist you in localizing the metadata for your app in the App Store, Google Play, or any other locally-used store.

Most Europeans and North Americans know relatively little about many countries and regions in Africa and Asia. SinceWordsMatter employs native localization experts from Africa and Asia to ensure that your apps and software are always accessible to everyone. Consequently, you can rest assured that your efforts to localize won’t result in offending local cultures or making you the punchline of an entire culture.

Our localization experts are happy to offer guidance on which sections of your software or app will benefit most from being translated, localized, or transcreated. They will inquire about your target demographic, offer guidance in developing a buyer persona, and help you choose between translation, localization, and transcreation based on your content and the needs of your target audience.

SinceWordsMatter isn’t just concerned with the literal meaning of words but also with the emotional response they elicit in readers and listeners. And no localized content is ever sent out without being double-checked and confirmed by a second expert.

Despite progress in other areas of AI, the app and software localization challenge makes it impossible for AI to complete independently, at least not with adequate grades. However, the development of high-quality CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) technologies has allowed human translators to refine their craft and detect their own errors. SinceWordsMatter uses a team of professional human translators, localization experts, and cutting-edge AI-driven tools.

Your goals and the preferences of your intended users will guide the localization of your software, apps, and web apps. Feel free to let the project manager know what you would like to see done differently at any time. On top of that, we start the localization process with thorough market research.

Even if your target language isn’t listed on our website, we can still find a translator well-versed in the software and app localization process to help you. Moreover, we can supply you with files in any format you need. A fast turnaround time is just as important to us as a high-quality result.

Large, complex apps and software localization projects are a breeze for us to handle. Your information will also be kept strictly confidential. Our team has committed to secrecy by signing non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). Last but not least, we offer reasonable pricing.

3. Ads and Marketing Localization

Ads and marketing localization refers to the process of adapting promotional materials (such as ads, brochures, landing pages, banners, TV commercials, etc.) for a new audience. You may also need to localize your marketing strategy, such as determining which social media and media platforms your target audience prefers to broadcast your ads on.

The goal is to increase brand awareness, customer satisfaction, and revenue by tailoring content to the tastes of a new target audience.

Reasons to utilize our ads and marketing localization solutions

Indeed, there are some linguists who can localize content for endangered or uncommon languages. Finding them, though, proves to be an immense challenge. SinceWordsMatter is an easy method to connect with linguists who have experience with rare and endangered languages.

We are an excellent option because of our years of experience in localization, affordable charges, and global network of reliable translators who are professionals at localizing your content into endangered and rare languages. This ensures that individuals from every region of the world can engage with your message. Our localization experts know the ins and outs of local rules and regulations to keep you from facing any unnecessary costs or penalties.

Europe and the United States are still mostly unfamiliar with many countries and regions in Africa and Asia. SinceWordsMatter hires native speakers of both African and Asian languages for localization projects. You can rest assured that your efforts to localize won’t result in offending local cultures or making you the laughingstock of an entire population.

If you’re not sure whether any or all of your material needs to be translated, localized, or transcreated, our localization experts will be happy to give you their expert opinion. They will inquire about your target demographic, offer guidance in developing a buyer persona, and help you decide whether translation, localization, or transcreation is necessary for your content.

We offer all kinds of localization services for websites, software and apps, media, training and E-learning, and advertisements and marketing. Our company also provides transcreation and translation services.

It doesn’t matter what kind of localization services you’re seeking. We begin with extensive market research for each of them. We also take into account the devices that your potential customers use most often when interacting with brands that are comparable to yours.

SinceWordsMatter cares not only about the literal meaning of words but also about the emotional response they generate in both the audiences of the original material and the new target content. Further, no localized content is ever sent out unless it has been double-checked and validated by another expert.

Despite the advances in other areas of AI, localization is still too difficult for it to do on its own, at least not with adequate grades. However, modern CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) technologies have advanced to the point where they can assist human translators in detecting their own errors and becoming more proficient. SinceWordsMatter utilizes human translators, localization experts, and cutting-edge AI-driven tools.

We offer marketing localization services that care about your company’s branding specifications, preferred tone, and target buyer persona. The localization of web pages and advertisements is according to both the goals you have set for them and the preferences of the audiences you are trying to reach. Feel free to let the project manager know what you want to see done differently at any time.

If a language isn’t available on our site, we can still find a fluent translator with experience with the localization process. Furthermore, we can supply you with files in any format you need. Fast turnaround times are just as important to us as high-quality output.

We have no problem taking on large, demanding localization projects. Your information will also be kept strictly confidential. Everyone on staff has agreed to keep the details of our work utterly confidential by signing an NDA. Last but not least, we provide reasonable prices for ads and marketing localization solutions.

4. Training and E-Learning Localization

When we say “training and E-learning localization,” we mean everything from documents and homework to images, videos, audio recordings, etc. Developing practical training and e-learning materials entails localizing existing resources like knowledge bases, user manuals, help files, software documentation, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) to the intended audience’s preferences, background, and level of expertise.

The goal of this type of localization solution is to avoid misunderstandings that result in customers’ money loss, injury, or even death, mainly caused by worker training courses or dangerous tools. Training and e-learning programs that are localized for specific regions tend to draw on a broader audience, which in turn can boost revenue.

Reasons to employ our training and e-learning localization solutions

Without a doubt, certain linguists can localize content for endangered or rare languages. However, finding them is proving to be very difficult. SinceWordsMatter offers a quick and easy way to connect with a group of linguists who focus on rare and endangered tongues.

Localizing your messages into endangered and rare languages is a specialty of ours. We have years of experience in the field and a global network of trustworthy translators who are professionals. This indicates that individuals from different parts of the world will be influenced by your message. Our localization experts know the ins and outs of local rules and regulations to keep you from experiencing any unnecessary costs or penalties.

Europeans and North Americans still know relatively little about many countries and regions in Africa and Asia. SinceWordsMatter recruits both Asian and African localization experts. Therefore, you may rest assured that your efforts to localize won’t result in offending local cultures or making you the laughingstock of an entire population.

If you’re not sure if some or all of your material needs to be translated, localized, or transcreated, our localization experts will be happy to offer advice. To evaluate whether translation, localization, or transcreation is most suited to the target audience and the content at hand, they will ask you questions about who you want to reach and help you develop a buyer persona.

We offer comprehensive localization services for anything from websites and apps to media, marketing, and training. A dedicated project manager will also be assigned to work on your projects. Feel free to communicate your suggestions for improvement to the project manager.

Instead of focusing exclusively on the meaning of the words, SinceWordsMatter is concerned with the emotional response that certain words generate in both the target and the original audiences. Further, no localized content is ever sent out unless it has been double-checked and validated by another expert.

Despite the advances in other areas of AI, the localization assignment is still too difficult for it to do on its own, at least not with adequate grades. Yet today, superior CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tools allow human translators to refine their craft and correct their own mistakes. SinceWordsMatter uses a team of human translators, localization experts, and cutting-edge AI-driven solutions.

No matter the type of localization assistance you require, we first undertake market research before implementing any of our localization solutions for the web, apps, software, media, advertisements, marketing, or e-learning.

Even if a language is not currently supported on our website, we can still find a translator who is well-versed in the localization process to help you. In addition, we can supply files in any format you may need. Fast turnaround times are just as important to us as high-quality output.

We have no trouble undertaking even the most extensive and intricate training and e-learning localization projects. Your information will also be kept strictly protected. Every member of our team has signed an NDA agreeing to keep everything confidential. Last but not least, we provide reasonable prices.

5. Media Localization

Media such as documentaries, television shows, children’s shows, news, movies, and even radio programs and podcasts intended for broadcast in a new community must be localized for the local listeners and viewers.

Media localization entails optimizing images, signs, text, laws and regulations for the intended audience. The target audience should have the impression that the audiovisual content was produced with them in mind, which is a goal of localizing media.

Reasons to adopt our media localization solutions

A small but dedicated group of linguists can localize content for endangered or rare languages. However, searching for them leads you into a maze of complications. With SinceWordsMatter, linking up with language experts fluent in endangered languages is simple.

Years of localization experience, competitive rates, and access to a global network of qualified translators specializing in localizing your material into endangered and rare languages make us a great choice. This makes sure that people from all around the world can engage with your content.

Many countries and regions in Africa and Asia are still largely foreign to people in Europe and the United States. As part of its localization efforts, SinceWordsMatter recruits both Asian and African native speakers. There is no risk that your attempts at localization would cause offense to local sensibilities or make you the punchline for a whole nation.

Avoiding financial penalties is a top priority, and our localization specialists are well-versed in your target region’s applicable laws and regulations.

Our localization specialists are here to help you decide if some or all of your content needs to be translated, localized, or transcreated. They will question you about who you are trying to reach, assist you in creating a target audience group, and advise you on whether or not your material requires translation, localization, or transcreation.

We provide a wide range of localization services for websites, software and apps, training and e-learning, advertising and marketing, and the media. We also assign a project manager who will concentrate strictly on your projects. If there is anything you’d like to see changed, please let the project manager know.

It doesn’t matter which type of localization assistance you need. We start by conducting in-depth analyses of the relevant markets. Your target demographic is carefully considered, as are the devices and platforms they use most frequently when dealing with media producers that are similar to your own.

SinceWordsMatter is concerned not only with the literal meaning of words but also with the impact that words have on the original and new target groups. Moreover, no localized content is ever distributed without first being examined and validated by a second expert.

Despite all the progress made in other areas of AI, localization is still too challenging for it to achieve on its own, at least not with satisfactory results. However, recent CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) technologies have progressed to the point where they can help human translators recognize their own flaws and improve their skills. SinceWordsMatter employs professional translators, native-speaking localization specialists, and state-of-the-art AI-powered solutions.

Even if a particular language isn’t supported on our website, we can locate a native speaker familiar with localization. We can also work with any kind of media assets, including movies, films, audio, and podcasts, and provide you with files in any format you require. We place equal value on quick turnaround times and excellent results. Synopsis, product descriptions, metadata, and search engine optimization (SEO) can all be fine-tuned by us as well.

We can handle even the most complex and time-consuming localization jobs with ease. The privacy of your data will also be protected at all times. Staff members have signed non-disclosure agreements promising to keep all work-related information strictly secret. Last but not least, we offer cost-effective options for media localization solutions.

Captivate, Engage, and Conquer New Frontiers


SinceWordsMatter’s Expert Localization Solutions!

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