Boost Traffic, User Engagement, and Revenue with Website Localization Solutions








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website localization solutions

Have you taken steps to optimize your website for a new market, such as translating it into that language and implementing search engine optimization strategies, but you still aren’t seeing the desired results? The solution may lie in website localization.

All that matters in website translation is the words. On the other hand, localization services do more than just translate; they also modify the text and visuals to suit the target audience’s tastes better. In addition, the localization of SEO strategies utilizes the target market’s exact keywords and online behaviors.

In-depth information on website localization is provided here. Our first step is to define website localization. Afterward, we’ll discuss why it’s crucial to localize your website in today’s world. Then, we’ll talk about when it’s critical to implement localization solutions on your website. If you’ve concluded you need website localization services, you should know what makes a good localization company. In the final section, we’ll assist you in gaining an understanding of these features.

Table of Contents

What is website localization?

Website localization (or l10n) involves translation and modifying the text, images, colors, videos, graphics, website design, layout, and even emojis to suit the culture of the intended audience. Website localization, also known as web localization, considers cultural, religious, and general preferences to prevent miscommunications that could damage your brand’s reputation and drive customers away.

The purpose of web localization is to make a website available in a foreign language appear and operate as though it were developed in the target country. Using localization, you can ensure that your company will continue to be forward-thinking and prosperous even in an increasingly crowded market. The ultimate goal of localizing a website is to increase traffic and lead generation.

Website localization pays attention to target users’ online habits and preferences, as well as their preferred devices for surfing the net. In addition, it takes into account the internet connection speeds of the users it is intended for and, if required, uses a simplified user interface design to improve the overall user experience. Shipping options and preferred customer support channels are some of the other aspects of a website that undergo localization to serve the users in their native culture better.

Numerous separate aspects of content can be adjusted for localization. When starting a localization project, the orientation of the target text is the first thing to take into account. When the target language is written from right to left or left to right, there are noticeable visual differences between text, images, buttons, and videos. The next two critical aspects to consider in localization are the page size and layout to minimize confusion.

It’s identically as important to localize images and other visual content. For example, the thumbs-up gesture, which means “good job” in English-speaking countries, actually means “up yours” in Afghanistan and Greece. It’s also true that not every culture attributes the same meaning to each color. For instance, in Muslim countries, the color green is often associated with Islam, but in the West, it is more often associated with nature and good fortune. However, green is sometimes connected with witchcraft in Indonesia, where the majority of the population is Muslim.

Visual text aspects, like fonts and character sets, are also crucial to the localization process. Words’ spelling and capitalization rules are also part of their visual aspects. For instance, unlike the British, who advocate for localisation, the American public typically prefers localization.

Localization entails several steps, only one of which is translation. To accomplish localization, the translator frequently adopts the myths, rituals, and cultural allusions of the target culture in place of those of the source culture. Instead of providing explanations or translations for idioms and proverbs, they are generally substituted with equivalent expressions in the target language.

References to specific locations may also need to be localized, particularly on websites where visitors need to understand and relate to the material immediately, or else they’ll click away. It is also vital to localize any addresses or phone numbers that appear in the original text so that they are consistent with the format used by the target audience. Some places put the country’s name first; others put the addressee’s name first, then the city, and lastly, the country. Also, the standard for phone numbers varies by country, with some using a 2-digit format and others a 4-digit one.

Date and time formats should be localized as well. Dates are written in the month/day/year format in the United States, whereas in most other nations, they are written day/month/year. Some Asian countries, however (like Japan, China, South Korea, etc.), adopt the year/month/day format. The United Kingdom displays time in both the 24-hour and 12-hour formats, but Romania and Moldova stick to the 24-hour format. On the other hand, the 12-hour system is the one that is most commonly used in Egypt, the Philippines, and New Zealand.

Calendar events and holidays should be given special attention during the localization process. For instance, Christmas is celebrated as a national holiday on December 25 in the United States and Lebanon but on January 7 in Egypt. In addition, the New Year’s celebrations begin at different times in other nations. In Australia, the new year starts on January 1, but the Iranian new year, known as Nowruz, begins on March 21st.

Avoiding fines requires paying close attention to local rules when adapting a website for a specific market. There are varying penalties for breaking data protection laws around the world. Neglecting local regulations also raises the chance of experiencing copyright issues.

The localization of the website’s financial features is equally crucial. If new users of your site are confused about the price of a premium account, you risk losing them. You’ll gain more trust and loyalty from your audience if you’re willing to accept the payment methods they use most often. Remember to follow the standards of the local tax authorities to avoid getting fined or imprisoned.

If you want a specific population to enjoy reading the information on your website, you can do so by standardizing measurements and sizing conventions to their tastes. Users will spend more time on your site if they can quickly and easily absorb the information presented there.

Using a native speaker proficient in your target audience’s regional dialect and accent is crucial if your website offers audio or video material. Users will feel as though a close friend is speaking directly to them in these films because of the familiar dialect they will hear. Pay close attention to whether you’re using a formal or informal tone. It’s not only that people of different ages and from various races prefer more formal or informal language; different cultures also place varying values on formality.

Name order norms should be standardized at the regional level to reduce the potential for confusion and insult. Examples of such cultural differences include the Chinese and South Korean convention to write one’s family name first, as opposed to the Western and European pattern of listing one’s given name first, then the middle name, and finally, the last name. On the other hand, in Myanmar, one must always use the entire form of a person’s name because there is no such thing as a first name or a surname.

What changes are made in localization?

Web localization also encompasses SEO localization or search engine optimization specific to the target market. SEO localization aims to do two things: increase a website’s visibility in search engines in a target market and decrease the bounce rate (the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page).

The local community’s preferred search engine is also factored into the equation during the website localization process. When you localize your website for a different market, you’re not just changing the language of the keywords. When optimizing for a specific market, SEO professionals evaluate how consumers in that target market actually talk about the product or service in query.

Non-localized SEO efforts will fail because the preferences of local audiences are overlooked when keywords are only translated. People from different locales (those with a common language, country/region, and cultural norms) have noticeable differences in search behavior. For example, when people want to buy or rent a home on the floor above ground level, they search for the second floor in the United States, but they look for the first floor in the United Kingdom.

Why is web localization important?

Localizing your website is a valuable strategy if you’re attempting to enter into new markets and mark yourself off from competitors in the global market. It paves the way for expansion into unexplored markets and bringing in additional clients.

If you localize your site, your visitors will have a much easier time connecting with you and your business because they will better grasp what you stand for. Website localization demonstrates your dedication to their market, strengthens your brand’s reputation, and inspires customer confidence in your offering. People are most loyal to the brands of goods and services when they believe the company genuinely cares about them and their requirements.

Website localization also includes adapting pricing, currency, payment method, and shipping to better suit the target market’s requirements. It simplifies the shopping experience, which boosts conversion rates and, ultimately, your income.

Furthermore, Forrester Research found that when a website is presented in the visitor’s native language, the average time spent on the site increases by 100%. The more comfortable and familiar a website’s visitors feel, the more likely they are to return on their own accord, which increases the site’s potential for organic traffic.

Web localization solutions help you strengthen relationships with current customers, break into new markets, and lay the groundwork for future expansion.

According to a Common Sense Advisory survey, the vast majority of consumers (72%) spend most or all of their time on websites in their native language. More than half (56%) of consumers surveyed ranked access to information in their native language as more important than price, and 72% said they were more likely to purchase a product if it had information in their native language.

From a digital population standpoint, the top five countries in January 2023 are China, India, the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil (according to Statista). On the other hand, the most common languages to find online content for are English, Russian, Spanish, French, and German. It’s abundantly clear that there’s a massive information gap between the smaller number of languages commonly used online and the large number of people actively seeking them out. To bridge this gap, localization is a rewarding tool.

Do I need to localize my website?

You may have a successful track record in international trade. Today, however, website localization solutions can help you retain your current customers while expanding your reach to new ones. SEO tactics tailored to a specific region can help you reach a wider audience and win over new clients.

You are the proud owner of a successful online shopping website. You’ve discovered that most of your Arab site visitors leave the site without making a purchase. When you were taking photos for your Arabic website, did you give any thought to the dress codes that are associated with the Muslim culture?

You’ve created a Chinese-language microsite to attract Chinese tourists to your travel and tourism website. But Chinese tourists give up on your website because they can’t fully grasp the pricing, policies, and itineraries. If you would rather keep a few extra pennies in your pocket than put forth your best effort to entice customers, how can they put their faith in you and use your services?

The first two countries with the fastest growing online populations are African (the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo), despite the fact that there is insufficient information on the internet for them in their languages. You want to entice them to visit your website by providing content written specifically for them in the Lingala language.

You manage an Italian fashion brand whose website attracts many Japanese users. In spite of the high volume of visitors, sales are disappointingly low. Did you utilize the different standards of sizing that are used in Japan? For example, a woman who wears a size 44 in Italy needs to look for a size 11-13 in Japan. What about the costs and payment options? Are they customized to Japanese people’s preferences?

You run an NGO that works to protect the environment in African countries. You hope to improve your operations’ efficiency by recruiting more local volunteers. Do you know how the locals perceive and feel about the natural environment? If they don’t recognize you as one of them and your life isn’t as interwoven with natural resources as theirs, how can you get them to understand that these resources are finite?

You are the CEO of a medical firm specializing in products for older people. You want to spread the word about your products to Asian minorities in your country. How can you get them interested in visiting your website and then persuade them to purchase once they get there? The answer is website localization.

You run a legal advice website and are hoping to attract African immigrants of your country to increase your clientele. You may be well-versed in the laws and customs of your home country, but have you ever tried to put yourself in the shoes of a native African and try to understand why they can put their faith in you?

You work for an art agency that handles international artists’ business operations. You want to launch new fan sites, but not for European fans; you want to cater to Asian fans. How can you compete with the fan-made blogs that are so popular in Asia? You can use website localization services to outperform Asian fan-made blogs and increase revenue by selling products designed specifically for fans.

If you find yourself in a situation similar to the ones described above, you need to implement a website localization solution. To sum it up, you need web localization services if you want your website to feel like home to visitors from all over the world.

What are the characteristics of a good website localization company?

A website localization service worth its salt will know the difference between translation, localization, and transcreation. Which specific sections of your content should be translated, localized, or transcreated is a question that the professional web localization service provider can answer.

For web localization, your chosen company must use native translators from your intended audience’s country. Natives have a deeper comprehension of cultural sensitivity and how it has changed over time. They are more aware of cultural differences and can avoid using offensive language.

At the best web localization companies, your project will be overseen by a dedicated project manager. An experienced project manager is essential if you want assistance avoiding or fixing problems that may arise during the localization and delivery processes.

If you’re looking for a website localization company you can trust, make sure they’re well-versed in the rules and regulations of your target market. Privacy policies, service agreements, complaint systems, customer service, tax laws, data security, distribution networks, return and refund policies, etc., vary widely from one country to the next.

An excellent web localization service will investigate the possibilities for growth in your specified market. It is also critical to understand how competitors in related industries approach problems. Through market research, you will better understand the current requirements and wishes of the consumers you are trying to reach.

A good website localization company considers that target audiences’ needs and preferences vary considerably from one region or country to another, and even within a single country (especially in countries like India with multiple official languages). When looking for a localization service, ensure the company focuses on the markets you plan to target.

The specialized company in web localization services knows what kind of online behavior and content each region’s target demographic prefers. Hiring a localization services company that provides search engine optimization strategies will enhance your website’s performance in the target market. For example, which search engines do they like? What are their favorite keywords? Which social media platforms do they spend the most time on? What are their preferred colors, image types, and tone?

With the help of an expert web localization service, you can rest assured that your intended audience won’t be able to tell whether or not the content they’re reading was translated or penned, especially for them. You wish to provide your audience with an authentic experience.

If consumers feel like they were not given priority and were given unsatisfactory content, they will rate you lower on their preference list.

Suppose you want to attract customers from a specific region. In that case, you need a web localization service to adjust your site to accept the target customers’ most popular payment methods and currency.

Find out about how SinceWordsMatter can assist you with localization solutions.

Localization ensures that your website resonates with local visitors and displays your commitment to offering a tailored user experience by modifying language and content. It entails a thorough grasp of local markets, user behavior, and cultural nuances. Website localization is a strategic investment that can provide considerable profits for your company.

Investing in professional web localization services allows you to tap into the expertise of seasoned individuals who understand the complexity of global marketplaces. They can assist you in customizing your website’s content, design, and functionality to appeal to specific target demographics, enhancing your chances of extending your client base and generating business success.

Localizing your website demonstrates your commitment to providing a great user experience to a varied global audience. Partnering with a reliable localization company can help you manage the intricacies of international markets and guarantee that your website appeals to local users. So, embrace the power of website localization and propel your business to new heights in the worldwide market.

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