To Localize or Not to Localize: Understanding When You Need App and Software Localization








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app and software localization

Have you heard that Asian users of your software uninstall it because the translated content does not look good on the pre-designed buttons? Have you been recommended to utilize app and software localization?

Did you get any complaints from Muslims about how your app’s content or advertisements offended them on Google Play or the App Store?

Is the percentage of African users immediately leaving your web app (or SaaS) rising? A hasty translation, or worse, relying too heavily on the English skills of your African guests, does not suffice.

The app and software localization is the solutions to all the issues above. When you localize your software or app, you’re not just getting the texts translated; you’re also making sure your users have a fantastic experience.

Here, we’ll start with a comprehensive explanation of what “app and software localization” is and why it’s so crucial. Then, we’ll talk about whether you’ll need software or app localization. We’ll wrap up by showing you what to look for in a reliable app and software localization services company.

Table of Contents

What is app and software localization?

App and software localization is adapting aspects of the UI and UX (user interface and user experience) to a target market. These aspects include but are not limited to images, videos, buttons, menu item size, currency, payment methods, and error messages. The goal is to give every viewer the same satisfying and enriching experience regardless of language or culture.

Note that localization is not language-specific but locale-specific; for example, your app or software could be localized for Mandarin Chinese, Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

It’s common to hear the words “app” and “software” used interchangeably, but they do mean slightly different things. The main distinction is the use case. Software (as opposed to hardware) is the term used when referring to what is used on a computer. However, the word “app” or “application” is more commonly used when referring to what is used on mobile devices, televisions, tablets, the web, appliances, vehicles, etc. It is worth noting that even some operating systems, such as Windows 11, use the term app to refer to software.

Localization of software and apps considers the specifics of the target market in terms of language, culture, device preferences, and technological trends, all without compromising the apps’ or software’s fundamental capabilities. Game localization is a subset of software and app localization.

Internationalization is a separate but related process that is frequently confused with localization. Adapting your app’s code to be ready for localization is known as internationalization or i18n. In other words, to localize, internationalization must first occur.

Your localization efforts will fall short of expectations if you neglect to internationalize your code. By internationalization, you can use “calls” to display texts in the user’s preferred language rather than hard-coded language strings. The result is making your code language-independent.

Translation of the text can result in various UX problems if your app is specifically designed for a single language. Your interface must be flexible enough to accommodate the text’s possible expansion or contraction during translation. For instance, when translated from English into Arabic, the text expands by 25%, whereas when translated from English into Korean, the text shrinks by 10-15%.

To ensure your iOS app is discovered by its target audience, it is essential to ensure that the app’s name, keywords, and description are translated accurately. Furthermore, localized versions of the app’s title and short and long descriptions must be added to the Google Play Console for Google Play Store optimization. Detailed keyword research and an in-depth understanding of the users’ online habits benefit both of these procedures.

When content is localized, its many distinct components can be modified. The direction of the target text is the first factor to consider while doing localization. Text, images, buttons, and videos all look very different when the target language is written from right to left or left to right. The next two crucial variables to consider in localization to avoid a mess are the size of the page and the page layout.

Similarly crucial is localizing visual elements such as images. For instance, the thumbs-up gesture, which means “good job” in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, is generally interpreted as “up yours” in Afghanistan and Greece. Likewise, not all colors have the same meaning in every culture. For instance, the color green is often connected with Islam in Muslim countries but is often associated with the environment and good fortune in the West. However, in Muslim-majority Indonesia, the color green carries connotations of witchcraft.

The visual aspect of the text, including fonts and character sets, is also a fundamental element in localization. The visual features of words also include how they are spelled and capitalized. For example, in contrast to the British, who support localisation, the Americans tend to favor localization.

The translation process is only one part of the localization procedure as a whole. The translator achieves localization by replacing the source culture’s myths, rituals, and cultural allusions with those of the target culture. On the other hand, idioms and proverbs do not have their meanings explained or translated; instead, they are replaced with the appropriate versions in the target language.

Geographical references may also require localization, especially in app and software localization, where the target audience must instantly understand and relate to the content to effectively and efficiently utilize the tools. Addresses and phone numbers mentioned in the original text must also be localized to reflect the format preferred by the intended audience. In certain regions, the addressee’s name comes first, followed by the city, and finally, the country name; in others, the country name comes first. In addition, some countries use a 2-digit format for phone numbers, while others use a 4-digit format.

It is also important to localize the date and time formats. Most countries use the day/month/year format for dates, while the United States uses the month/day/year format. However, the year/month/day format is used in some Asian nations (such as Japan, China, South Korea, Iran, etc.). For the time presentation, the countries of Romania and Moldova use a 24-hour clock, while the United Kingdom utilizes both 24-hour and 12-hour clocks. On the other hand, Ireland favors using a 12-hour clock.

When localizing, events on the calendar and holidays should both be given careful consideration. For instance, on December 25, the United States and Lebanon observe Christmas as a national holiday, whereas in Egypt, the holiday takes place on January 7. Furthermore, the start of the New Year varies from country to country. In Australia, the new year begins on January 1, while in Iran and Thailand, it starts on March 21 and January 22, respectively.

Local laws must be paid careful attention to when tailoring software for a particular market to avoid fines. Countries have different data protection laws, and violating them can result in huge fines or even jail time. The risk of encountering copyright issues also increases when local regulations are neglected.

When it comes to money, localization is just as important. You don’t want to lose customers at the last minute because they can’t wrap their heads around how much a premium account for your app would cost. To further enhance the convenience for your customers, accept the forms of payment they most frequently use.

Remember to take into account the criteria of the local tax authorities so that you can avoid being fined or sent to jail. One way to make shopping more enjoyable for a particular target group is to standardize measurements and sizing according to that demographic’s preferences. Convenient shopping drives more purchases.

If your app will feature audio instructions, using a native speaker fluent in your target market’s regional dialect and accent is essential. When users hear the app’s content spoken in a familiar dialect, it’s as though a close friend is addressing them personally. Also, pay particular attention to whether you use a formal or informal tone. Some cultures place more value on a formal tone, while others place less on it; different age groups also prefer formal or casual language.

To minimize misunderstandings, as well as possible dishonor, it is essential to localize the rules for name order. For instance, although the Western and European standards list one’s given names first, middle, and last, the Chinese norm is to write one’s family name first. On the other hand, there is no such thing as a first name or a surname in Myanmar; hence, one must always use the full form of a person’s name.

What changes are made in localization?

App localization also includes adjustments so the app works better on different devices to get more downloads and generate a higher return on investment (ROI). This can be achieved by adapting the app’s content to meet the requirements of the target demographic and by making the app as user-friendly, simple, and straightforward as is practicable.

Why is software and app localization important?

Localizing your app or software allows you to expand your customer base and sell more copies. While this can be achieved through translation as well, the added layer of protection provided by localization ensures that no one is offended by the content. Localization ensures that the message is conveyed in a way that will elicit the desired response from the target audience.

Localization also lowers the cost of support and after-sales services in local markets. For example, suppose the washing machine’s program is localized to an African language. In that case, African users can quickly and correctly understand how to use the device without damaging it.

The localization of industrial tools’ software can also help reduce injuries and fatalities in the workplace. Unfortunately, there are still workers operating dangerous machinery in the industrial sector who aren’t fluent in international English.

Customer service costs are reduced as also a result of localization. Users who can quickly and easily learn how to operate your software will be less likely to contact support. It also leads to customer satisfaction, which results in word-of-mouth marketing and revenue growth.

Localizing apps and software is concerned with more than just words; it is also concerned with images and symbols. The thumbs-up gesture, for instance, is used as a sign of approval in many countries; however, most people in West Africa and the Middle East interpret it as “Up yours!” which is similar to the middle finger gesture used in the United States.

Did you know that if your shopping app is not available in a user’s native language, 40% of potential customers will not purchase? According to a recent survey conducted worldwide by CSA Research, 73% of app-based shoppers want reviews of products, and 65% prefer content written in their native language.

In addition, Distomo’s study, “The Impact of App Translations,” was conducted by releasing a localized version of the iPhone app for only one week. This study was launched to prove the significance of software and app localization. The findings showed a 128% increase in the app’s downloads and a 26% increase in revenue per country.

Do I need app and software localization?

If you’ve ordered an app to teach people about first aid and hygiene and are now looking for users in African countries, you’ll need app localization. True, your data may require medical translation, but translation is only one stage of localization that we can also handle.

Since most of your game’s players are in Turkey, you may want to adapt it to meet their cultural preferences. When your current users are pleased, they spend more time with your app and tell their gamer friends about it. Growth in both player number and income would be the result.

You have released and beta-tested your brand-new app in a small Arabic market in Asia and have discovered the top Arab nations downloading your app. Now, you want to specifically target those people by tailoring your content to them.

You manufacture industrial machinery. According to your research, Asian workers suffer injuries much more than their European counterparts. Because you did not localize the machinery’s software, there is a good chance that the Asians cannot understand how to use it properly.

You want to add a new locale to your already popular app on the App Store. Possibilities for success in Korea seem promising to you. You should also ensure that your app store listings are optimized for users in these specific regions.

You have a popular app primarily available in English, but performance metrics like retention and Sessions per Active Device are below average in the Russian market. You’ve done market research and found that Russian users are more likely to download and use a localized version of similar apps.

You’re a home appliance manufacturer with hopes of expanding into Pakistan. You’ve planned marketing campaigns, but will new customers understand how to use all of your, for example, dishwasher’s functions?

You want to market your most recent iOS app in China. Did you know that in China, the majority (92%) of the highest-grossing and most downloaded iPhone apps are developed in Chinese and have Chinese names?

You have a restaurant review app in your multinational country. It’s evident to you that if your app is available in multiple languages, users from minority populations will be more likely to use it and benefit from it. Gaining the support of these influential people can help you attract more satisfied customers and increase your earnings.

You’ve created an engaging AR game (augmented reality game), or your popular VR game (virtual reality game) is expanding into new metaverse markets. Impressive graphics, sound, and gameplay aren’t enough to make a video game successful in today’s global market; it must also be as “realistic” as possible so that users can enjoy it the same way regardless of their language. You can’t just translate the words; you need software or app localization solutions to modify the plot and character storylines.

As an app marketer, you aim to get more people to download and use your app. As a result of localization, you can boost the app’s MAU (monthly active users) and, ultimately, revenue.

You own a shopping app and would like to incorporate custom images for the upcoming Diwali (India’s five-day festival of lights). Over a billion people of various faiths celebrate this festival annually in India and its immigrant communities. For some, it also marks the beginning of the new year, making it a time of great excitement for purchasing new items. However, how exactly will this cultural aspect increase the number of customers you attract?

You must use the app and software localization solutions if any preceding scenarios sound familiar. Briefly put, you need app and software localization services if you have apps or software and want to attract more users in new regions.

What are the characteristics of a good app and software localization services provider?

The ability to differentiate between translation, localization, and transcreation is crucial for any company offering app and software localization services. The best app and software localization service provider will be able to provide you with guidance regarding the sections of your content that require translation, localization, or transcreation.

When localizing software and apps, the company must hire native translators from the target market. Natives have a deeper comprehension of cultural sensitivity and how it has changed over time. They better understand their cultures and know how to express themselves adequately in those settings.

The best app and software localization agencies will assign a dedicated project manager to your task. Hiring a professional project manager to help you avoid or solve problems that may arise during the translation and delivery processes is crucial.

An excellent software and app localization service will investigate the growth potential of the market you’ve chosen. It’s crucial to know how competitors in related industries deal with issues. Through market research, you will better understand the current requirements and wishes of the audience you are trying to reach.

A perfect localization company takes into account the fact that audiences’ expectations can vary significantly from country to country, region to region, or even within the same country (especially in countries like South Africa with multiple official languages).

A professional who offers localization solutions for software and apps understands the norms and preferences of users in the target markets. For example, where do they like to look first when they need something? What are their preferred keywords and phrases? Which social media platform do they use the most? What tones, colors, and types of pictures do they like best?

App Store metadata, including your app’s description, keywords, app previews, and screenshots, can be localized by a reliable app and software localization service. In addition, they can modify your app’s keywords to reflect the local culture and values better, making it more relevant to users in each market.

An expert localization service for software and apps will make it seem like the content was written just for the intended audience without raising suspicions. To engage your readers, you need to give them something they can hardly get anywhere else: first-hand experience.

Customers rank you lower on their preference list if they believe you provided them with low-quality content and didn’t give them top priority.

Collaborate with an app localization company that offers search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. As a result, your web app’s performance will improve in the market you are targeting.

The best software and app localization solutions provider will specialize in the regions where you want to market your product.

Find out about how SinceWordsMatter can assist you with localization solutions.

By customizing your app or software to diverse countries’ preferences and expectations, you can improve user experience, increase user engagement, and eventually expand your reach to foreign markets. App and software localization also allows you to develop a strong presence and obtain a competitive advantage in the global market.

Investing in localization services is essential if you want to cater to a certain market or have plans for worldwide expansion. Work with a reliable app and software localization services provider to ensure a seamless and effective localization process. Choosing the proper localization partner allows you to speed up the process, avoid potential problems, and provide high-quality localized versions of your app and software.

Reach Every Corner of the World!

Trust SinceWordsMatter’s Expert Localization Services to Make Your App and Software Truly Global!

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